Electricity affects so many aspects of our every day life that many times we don't think about it and we totally take it for granted. It just happens when you flip the switch. Then there are times when electricity is a physical phenomena, a feeling between two people or just a singular moment in time when a spark runs through your body and makes you stand up and take notice. I had an "electricity" moment yesterday. I was asked to pick up a donor quilt at LifeGift in order for it to travel with the Hibbler familly to Grand Rapids to be on display during the Transplant Games of America. I had the good fortune of meeting Shannon Lenox -donor Mom and Vital Volunteer at LifeGift. She handed me the quilt saying "Take care of this...my son is on here" and showed me the square with the picture of her son Roy. As she handed me the quilt I had my electricity moment. I immediately felt a sense of electricity run though me and had an intense of responsibilty to Shannon and this quilt. I truly felt like she was handing me her child to take care of. As I sat in the parking lot and through teary eyes looked at the many squares which included names, faces and words of love about each one of these amazing donors. I could not help but feel an intense sense of electricity knowing that these people were still sharing life with others. So.... don't ever take electricity for granted.