About Team Texas Team Texas dba Texas Life Warriors is a non profit 501(c)3 organization
Our goal is to promote organ donation through the miracle of transplantation by living life to the fullest! We are transplant recipients, living donors, supporters, medical professionals from the transplant community, and most importantly we are Donor Families.
TEAM TEXAS is currently recruiting new members to compete in the upcoming 2024 Transplant Games to be hosted by Birmingham, Alabama. Transplant Recipients, Living Donors, and Donor Families join us in the opening and closing ceremonies! Join us in meeting and making new friends and enjoy the competition. As a team we brought home many medals as our athletes poured their hearts into their respective sporting events in the 2018 games. Medals aside, the spirit and camaraderie of the games is by far the overwhelming element that everyone takes away from these games.
Our biggest thank you goes to our donor families and living donors for without you there would be no transplantation. Your selfless act of love and giving has provided a new and renewed life to others. May you and your families know that there are no words to adequately express the thanks for a second chance at life. Thank you to all of our many supporters, family, friends and complete strangers from every corner of Texas and beyond who continually stand behind us. You have had a part in creating a life time memory for the members of Texas Life Warriors.
TEAM TEXAS is currently recruiting new members to compete in the upcoming 2024 Transplant Games to be hosted by Birmingham, Alabama. Transplant Recipients, Living Donors, and Donor Families join us in the opening and closing ceremonies! Join us in meeting and making new friends and enjoy the competition. As a team we brought home many medals as our athletes poured their hearts into their respective sporting events in the 2018 games. Medals aside, the spirit and camaraderie of the games is by far the overwhelming element that everyone takes away from these games.
Our biggest thank you goes to our donor families and living donors for without you there would be no transplantation. Your selfless act of love and giving has provided a new and renewed life to others. May you and your families know that there are no words to adequately express the thanks for a second chance at life. Thank you to all of our many supporters, family, friends and complete strangers from every corner of Texas and beyond who continually stand behind us. You have had a part in creating a life time memory for the members of Texas Life Warriors.

If you would like to become an organ donor please sign up at:
Donate Life Texas
There are nearly 100,000+ patients in the U.S. awaiting transplantation. More than 10,000 are Texans. Every 10 minutes a new name is added to the transplant waiting list. Every day, 20 people die waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. It takes minutes to sign up as an organ donor.
Donate Life Texas
There are nearly 100,000+ patients in the U.S. awaiting transplantation. More than 10,000 are Texans. Every 10 minutes a new name is added to the transplant waiting list. Every day, 20 people die waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. It takes minutes to sign up as an organ donor.